Lambda letter

Introduction to FP

(w/ Javascript)

"A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors..."

Why to FP?

Some facts:

(that may blow your mind)

  • Elegant, readable and simple code makes it hard for bugs to hide
  • 70% of time spent while maintaining code is spent reading it
  • Global average for a coder's loc written p/ day is ~10
Mindblown Meme

Why to FP?

Because FP "laws" and tools enables us to write a more:

  • Readable code
  • Declarative code
  • Reusable code
  • Testable code

In general, a more reliable & maintainable code in the long term

Readability Curve

But the journey has its bumps

A Practical Intro to FP

We'll go over some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

First Class Functions

(or functions as values)

The majority of patterns and tools around FP requires functions to be treated as first-class citizens

Which means they can:

Be assigned to variables

              // anonymous functions
              const aFunction = function () { 
                console.log('hello fp');
              // or named functions
              const aFunction = function aFunctionName() { 
                console.log('hello fp');
              // or arrow functions
              const aFunction = () => console.log('hello fp');
              // or even borrowed methods
              const aFunction = someObj.someOtherFunction;

Be assigned to data structures

              // With objects
              const obj = {
                methodAnon: function() { },
                methodNamed: function aFunctionName() { },
                methodArrow: () => { },
                methodBorrowed: otherObj.someOtherFunction;
              // Or with arrays
              const arr = [
                function() { },
                function aFunctionName() { },
                () => { },

Be used as other functions arguments

              const hello = () => {
                console.log('hello fp');

              const callFn = fn => fn();

              // ...

              callFn(hello); // hello fp

Be returned from other functions

              const getHello = () => {
                return () => {
                  console.log('hello fp');
              // or the shorter
              const getHello = () => () => console.log('hello fp');

              // ...

              const hello = getHello();
              hello(); // hello fp
              // or in one go
              getHello()(); // hello fp

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

High-Order Functions & Closures

(or working with stateful functions)

High-Order Functions

A high-order function is a function that does at least one of the following:

1. Takes one or more functions as arguments

              const highOrderSecret = (fnArg) => {
                const secret = 'FP rulez!';


              const logSecret = (secret) => console.log(secret);
              const saveSecret = (secret) => secretStorage.add(secret);

              // ...

              highOrderSecret(logSecret); // FP rulez!

Useful to separate concerns and abstract/decouple logic

2. Returns a function as its result

              const makeSecret = () => {
                const secret = 'FP rulez!';

                return () => secret; // Btw, this is a closure

              const getSecret = makeSecret();

              console.log(getSecret()); // FP rulez!

Useful to "hide" state (achieve privacy), persist state to be processed/used later and compose/add behaviour to other functions


A closure is a function that refers to "free variables" (variables defined in parent scopes)

In other words, it's a function that "remembers" the state/environment where it was created

A closer look into a closure

              // global scope
              const makeSecret = () => {
                // scope 0
                const secret = 'FP rulez';
                // following will log undefined because parent a scope
                // does not have access to child scopes
                console.log(secretSuffix); // ReferenceError: secretSuffix is not defined

                return () => {
                  // scope 1
                  const secretSuffix = '!!!!!';

                  return secret + secretSuffix;

              console.log(secret); // ReferenceError: secret is not defined

              const getSecret = makeSecret();
              // It remembers its own scope plus parent scopes
              console.log(getSecret()); // FP rulez!!!!!

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

Function Purity

(or avoiding side effects)

A function is considered pure if it does not break the following "laws":

  1. Always has to return the same output given the same input
  2. Does not depend on/causes any side effect (state mutations, I/O operations)

Pure Functions

              const add = (a, b) => a + b;

              const getCircleArea = r => Math.PI * r * r;

              const getFullName = (first, last) => `${first} ${last}`;

              const logUserIn = user => Object.assign(
                { loggedIn: true }

Impure Functions

              // I/O operation
              const logMsg = msg => console.log(msg);

              // Different outputs, same input
              const getRandom = (max) => Math.random() * max;

              // depends on mutable state
              const getFullName = (first, last) => 
                `${globalNamePrefix} ${first} ${last}`;

              // Mutating object state
              const logUserIn = user => user.loggedIn = true;

A program without any observable side effect is also a program that accomplishes nothing useful

but, side effects should be avoided where possible

as they make programs hard to follow/read, hard to test and hard to maintain

most of a program codebase should be composed of small, single-purpose and pure functions

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

Managing Function Input

(or manipulating function arguments)

Args vs Params

Question: what's the difference between arguments and parameters?

              // firstName, middleName and lastName are parameters
              const getFullName = (firstName, middleName, lastName) =>
                `${firstName} ${middleName} ${lastName}`;

              // All strings passed into getFullName() call are arguments  
              getFullName('Allan', 'Marques', 'Baptista');

              // arguments < parameters - perfectly valid in JS
              getFullName('Emperor', 'Palpatine');

              // arguments > parameters - also valid
              getFullName('Some', 'Big', 'Ass', 'Freaking', 'Name');

Args vs Params

Parameter is the variable which is part of the function signature

Argument is the value/variable/reference/expression being passed in during a function call


The number of parameters a function expects in its signature is called arity

              const double = n => n * 2; // arity = 1 (unary)

              // arity = 3 (ternary)
              const getFullName = (firstName, middleName, lastName) =>
                `${firstName} ${middleName} ${lastName}`; 

It's possible to get a function's arity through the Function.prototype.length property

              const double = n => n * 2;
              console.log(double.length); // 1 

By combining the power of high-order functions (HoF), knowledge of function arity and loose arguments application, we can build powerful abstractions

Forcing Unary Functions

Sometimes we need to ensure a function that expects more than one parameter to receive only one argument

              const strArr = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
              const mumArr =;

              console.log(numArr); // [1, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]

That happens because parseInt's signature is:
parseInt(str [, radix])

And calls any function passed in with the arguments:
fn(item, index, arr)

Forcing Unary Functions

We can fix that with a utility HoF usually called unary

That can be implemented in JS like so:

                const unary = fn => 
                  param => fn(param);

And used like this:

                const strArr = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
                const mumArr =;

                console.log(numArr); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Partial Application

Calling a function and passing some arguments to it like:
foo(bar, baz);

can also be described as applying function foo to the arguments bar and baz

Partial Application

Means fixing/binding a number of arguments to a function producing another function with smaller arity

It's useful when we know some of the arguments that'll be applied to a function ahead of time

But the rest of the arguments we'll only know at a later point in execution time.

Partial Application

A partial function application utility can easily be implemented like so:

              const partial = (fn, ...eagerArgs) => 
                (...lazyArgs) => fn(...eagerArgs, ...lazyArgs);

And it's used like this:

                const fullName = (preferedTreatment, firstName, lastName) =>
                  `${preferedTreatment} ${lastName}, ${firstName}`;

                const maleName = partial(fullName, 'Sir');
                const femaleName = partial(fullName, 'Ma\'am');

                maleName('Allan', 'Baptista'); // Sir Baptista, Allan
                femaleName('Nadia', 'Carvalho'); // Ma'am Carvalho, Nadia

Partial Application

It's also possible to implement a utility that partially applies the final arguments like so:

              const partialRight = (fn, ...rightArgs) => 
                (...leftArgs) => fn(...leftArgs, ...rightArgs);

That can be used like this:

                const fullName = (preferedTreatment, firstName, lastName) =>
                  `${preferedTreatment} ${lastName}, ${firstName}`;

                const kirk = partialRight(fullName, 'James', 'Kirk');

                kirk('Sir'); // Sir Kirk, James
                kirk('Captain'); // Captain Kirk, James


It's creating a function that only executes its actual logic once it has gathered all parameters it expects

When a curried function is applied to less arguments than its arity it returns another function

And it keeps returning another function until all arguments are provided


              const curriedFullName = preferedTreatment =>
                firstName =>
                    lastName =>
                      `${preferedTreatment} ${lastName}, ${firstName}`;

              const getName = curriedFullName('Mr'); // preferedTreatment = 'Mr'
              const getLastName = getName('James'); // firstName = 'James'
              getLastName('Bond'); // Mr. Bond, James

              // or in one go

              curriedFullName('Sir')('Leonard')('Nimoy'); // Sir Nimoy, Leonard 


In Haskell all functions are curried by default, but in javascript we need to write a utility function to achieve the same

              const autoCurry = (fn, arity = fn.length) =>
                (...args) => 
                  args.length >= arity ?
                    fn(...args) :
                    autoCurry(partial(fn, ...args), arity - args.length);


              const curriedFullName = autoCurry(
                (preferedTreatment, firstName, lastName) =>
                  `${preferedTreatment} ${lastName}, ${firstName}`

              const getName = curriedFullName('Mr'); // preferedTreatment = 'Mr'
              const getLastName = getName('James'); // firstName = 'James'
              getLastName('Bond'); // Mr. Bond, James

              // or
              curriedFullName('Sir')('Leonard')('Nimoy'); // Sir Nimoy, Leonard
              // or
              curriedFullName('Sir')('Rowan', 'Atkinson'); // Sir Atkinson, Rowan
              // or
              curriedFullName('Mr', 'Mickey', 'Mouse'); // Mr Mouse, Mickey


Note that the strict implementation of currying produces only unary functions after each call

So the implementation showed here should be called loose currying, which is often more useful

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

Function Composition

(or playing with building blocks)

When a program/application is well split into simple, single-purpose and pure functions a repeating pattern starts to come up:

              const outputData = freeze(enhance(escape(inputData)));

And to avoid repetition, it's common to create composed abstractions:

              const transformData = data => freeze(enhance(escape(data)));

              // later somewhere...
              const outputData = transformData(inputData);

              // and even later...
              const dataToPersist = transformData(inputData);

A better way

What if there was a way to achieve the same thing in a declarative way?

              const transformData = compose(freeze, enhance, escape);

              // later somewhere...
              const outputData = transformData(inputData);

compose(...fns) takes a list of functions

and returns another function that applies each function from right to left, so:

              // This
              const transformData = compose(freeze, enhance, escape);

              // is the same as this
              const escaped = escape(...args);
              const enhanced = enhance(escaped);
              const outputData = freeze(enhanced);

              // or this
              const outputData = freeze(enhance(escape(...args)));

One can implement compose in JS like so:

              const compose = (...fns) =>
                (...args) => fns
                  .slice(0, -1)
                    (res, fn) => fn(res),
                    fns[fns.length - 1](...args)

Function composition and arity

Note that all functions besides the first one to be applied are expected to be unary

as it's not possible to return more the one value from a function

By combining the concepts of function composition, arity and input management one can build very complex logic in a very declarative way


Sometimes reading the flow of data from right to left can be counter-intuitive

to fix that, we can build a variation of compose that applies each function from left to right

that variation is usually called pipe or pipeline

              const transformData = pipe(escape, enhance, freeze);

              // later somewhere...
              const outputData = transformData(inputData);


pipe can be implemented like so:

              const pipe = (firstFn, ...restFns) =>
                (...args) => restFns.reduce(
                  (res, fn) => fn(res),

Other than the difference on how data flows compose and pipe works in the same way

(Except this implementation o pipe is a little bit more performant than compose's implementation showed before)

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

Value Immutability

(or writing predictable logic)

In javascript (and the majority of hybrid/OO languages) immutability is usually not natively enforced on objects

Some may naively think assigning objects with the const keyword prevents objects from being mutated

              const config = { cannotChange: 'Never changed' };

              config.cannotChange = 'Chaos';

              console.log(config); // { cannotChange: 'Chaos' }

              // but the following throws a TypeError
              config = { cannotChange: 'Invalid' };

But in fact, const only prevents the variable from being re-assigned

The case for immutability

  • Mutating an object is a side effect
  • Mutable objects are hard to follow/read
  • Mutable objects are hard to predict
  • Mutable objects often are the source of hard-to-find bugs
  • Mutable objects are hard to debug

So, if immutability is not enforced natively by the language, how do we achieve it?

Immutability as a choice

Plain Objects

              // Very bad
              const logIn = user => {
                user.loggedIn = true;

                return user;

              const loggedUser = logIn(anonymousUser);

              console.log(loggedUser.loggedIn); // true
              console.log(anonymousUser.loggedIn); // true

Immutability as a choice

Plain Objects

              // Good
              const logIn = user => {
                const userCopy = Object.assign({}, user);

                userCopy.loggedIn = true;

                return userCopy;

              const loggedUser = logIn(anonymousUser);

              console.log(loggedUser.loggedIn); // true
              console.log(anonymousUser.loggedIn); // false

Pattern: copy objects and mutate the copy

Immutability as a choice


              // Very bad
              const addTask = (taskList, task) => {

                return taskList;

              const newTaskList = addTask(taskList, task);

              console.log(newTaskList.length); // 10
              console.log(taskList.length); // 10

Immutability as a choice


              // Good
              const addTask = (taskList, task) => {
                // or [...taskList, task];
                return taskList.concat(task);

              const newTaskList = addTask(taskList, task);

              console.log(newTaskList.length); // 10
              console.log(taskList.length); // 9

Pattern: avoid mutable methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, sort, fill, reverse)

instead use immutable methods (concat, slice, map, filter) or the spread notation

Immutability as a law

Object.freeze freezes an object, preventing it from being mutated (works w/ arrays as well)

              const user = Object.freeze({ name: 'Elza' });

     = 'Evil'; // throws if in 'strict mode'

              console.log(; // Elza

Pattern: combine Object.freeze with other immutable patterns to achieve full immutability

Note that Object.freeze only freezes objects shallowly

              const user = Object.freeze({
                name: {
                  first: 'Elza',
                  last: 'Arendelle'

     = 'Evil';

              // { first: 'Evil', last: 'Arendelle' }

So to achieve full immutability all child objects also need to be frozen

Note that these patterns are much less performant than its mutable counterpart

Even more if we're dealing with deep nested objects

If you need immutability as well as performance maybe it's time to bring a library in

Immutability Libs

But if performance is still an issue, you should think about replacing parts of your code with mutable patterns

but remember:

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil"
- Donald Knuth

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

Array Operations

(or more readable loops)

Array methods vs Loops

              const activeItems = [];

              for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                if (arr[i].active === true) {

              // vs

              const activeItems = arr.filter(item => === true);

Array methods vs Loops

Array methods are usually better because:

  • Traversal logic is abstracted
  • Terser, more readable and declarative code
  • Functions and all its goodness!


Loops are better when:

  • Performance is needed (still, very questionable)
  • Need to break out of loop early

map() is a HoF that traverses the list applying the provided operator function to each item

and produces a new array with the values returned from each operator call

              const bananas = ['🍌', '🍌', '🍌', '🍌', '🍌', '🍌'];

              const mix =, index) => (
                index % 2 === 0 ? '🍎' : banana

              console.log(mix); // ['🍎', '🍌', '🍎', '🍌', '🍎', '🍌']


An array map representation


A word about the feared Functor

In FP terminology, a Functor is a wrapper object that has a utility method for applying an operator function to its wrapped value

returning a new Functor wrapping the new value produced by the operator

If the wrapped value is compound the Functor applies the operator to each indidual value instead

All this is just a fancy way of saying that Functor is just an object that has a map method


Array.prototype.filter is a HoF that traverses the list applying the provided predicate function to each item

and produces a new array with the values of which the predicate function returned truthy

              const badDiet = ['🍌', '🍫', '🍎', '🍫', '🥕', '🍫', '🍉', '🍫'];

              const goodDiet = badDiet.filter(food => !food.includes('🍫'));

              console.log(goodDiet); // ['🍌', '🍎', '🥕', '🍉']


An array filter representation



Array.prototype.reduce is a HoF that traverses the list applying the provided reducer function to the previous returned value and current value

And produces whatever the last reducer call returns

              const people = ['👩', '👧', '👨', '👦'];

              const family = people.reduce((str, person) => (
                str === '' ? 
                  person :
                  str + '\u200D' + person 
              ), '' /* <- initial value */);

              console.log(family); // '👩‍👧‍👨‍👦'


An array reduce representation


A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics


(or recursion (or recursion...))

Recursion is when a function calls itself until a base condition is satisfied

              const fib = n => 
                n <= 1 ? 
                  n :
                  fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);

              fib(10); // 55

Declarative iterations

Although it may be less performant, expressing repetition with recursion is usually more readable because of its declarative nature

              const sum = (...values) => {
                let total = 0;
                for(let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                  total += values[i];
                return total;

              // vs

              const sum = (firstValue, ...otherValues) => 
                otherValues.length === 0 ?
                  firstValue :
                  firstValue + sum(...otherValues);
"Loops may achieve a performance gain for your program. Recursion may achieve a performance gain for your programmer. Choose which is more important in your situation!"
- Leigh Caldwell

Divide and Conquer

An common strategy to apply when creating a recursive functions is taking the divide and conquer approach:

  • Treat every list as a pair containing the first value and a list with the rest of the values
  • Define the base condition
  • Define logic around the first value
  • Apply the function itself to the rest of the values

Divide and Conquer


              const map = (arr, fn) => {
                const newArr = [];

                for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

                return newArr;


                const map = ([firstVal,], fn) => 
                  firstVal === undefined ? 
                    [] :
                    [fn(firstVal),, fn)];

Divide and Conquer

Note that this technique doesn't only work with lists. Lists are just easier to wrap you head around the concept

This approach can be applied to almost anything

              const iterativeRangeSum = (start, end) => {
                let result = start;
                for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
                  result += i;
                return result;

              // vs

              const recursiveRangeSum = (start, end) => 
                start === end ?
                  0 :
                  start + recursiveRangeSum(start, end - 1);

Stack Overflow

The function stack is a limited resource

If the base condition of a recursive function is not met until the environment runs out of stack frames

The program/application will crash and burn

              // If list has something like 200 items or more,
              // Stack Overflow!
              const values = recursiveMap(bigList, item => item.value);

Always ensure the base condition will be satisfied before that or refactor the function to use the benefits of tail call optimization

Tail call optimization

Tail call is when a function call is the very last thing evaluated inside a function

              const foo = () => {
                const value = 'tail call';

                return bar(value); // <- bar is being tail called

When this happens the compiler can optimize the runtime by reusing the last stack frame

Tail call optimization

By refactoring the recursive map utility from:

              const map = ([firstVal,], fn) => 
                firstVal === undefined ? 
                  [] :
                  [fn(firstVal),, fn)];

To use TCO:

                const map = ([firstVal,], fn, result = []) => 
                  firstVal === undefined ? 
                    result :
                    map(rest, fn, [...result, fn(firstVal)]);

map() will now support mapping over lists of any size

A Practical Intro to FP

Some "mandatory" concepts:

  • First Class Functions
  • High-Order Functions & Closures
  • Function Purity
  • Managing Function Input
  • Function Composition
  • Value Immutability
  • Array Operations
  • Recursion
  • Monads Basics

Monads Basics

(or the thing that, once understood, you won't be able to explain)

But first, some boring topics that won't be covered:

(but you should at some point)

  • Abstract Algebra
  • Category Theory
  • Type Theory

Some people say these fundamental topics are mandatory to start FPing

I disaggree. But when you feel ready to dive into the theory behind FP, it's' recommended you do so

Revisiting Functors

Meet something and nothing:

              const something = (value) => ({
                map: fn => something(fn(value))

              const nothing = () => ({
                map: nothing

Note: the names of this Functor implementations vary a lot
(Some/None, Just/Nothing, Something/Empty...)

That happens because Functors, like any other FP type, is like a loose interface
Implementations must respect the type laws but their names are not enforced

Revisiting Functors

something is useful

              const getUser = userId => {
                const user = repository.findUserById(userId);

                return user ? something(user) : nothing();
              // now we can write 
              // beautiful, idiomatic, declarative code
              getUser(existingId) // User exists

Revisiting Functors

nothing is useful

              const getUser = userId => {
                const user = repository.findUserById(userId);

                return user ? something(user) : nothing();
              // now we can write 
              // beautiful, idiomatic, declarative code
              getUser(nonExistantId) // User is not found

It's the same exact code, but nothing happens. Not even an exception!

Revisiting Functors


When we use the Something and Nothing Functors together in a function like this, we're actually implementing the Maybe Functor.

It allows easier and safer null/empty checks without sacrificing readability.

Revisiting Functors

handling branches/errors

              const success = (value) => ({
                map: fn => something(fn(value)),
                catch: nothing

              const error = (e) => ({
                map: () => error(e),
                catch: fn => something(fn(e))

Revisiting Functors

handling branches/errors

              const getUser = userId => {
                const user = repository.findUserById(userId);

                return user ? success(user) : error(new Error('User not found'));

              // now we can write 
              // beautiful, idiomatic, declarative code
              getUser(nonExistantId) // User is not found
                // error branch executed when is error

Revisiting Functors


When we use the Error and Success together in a function like this, we're actually implementing the Either Functor.
Its strict implementation is more complex, but the core concept is the same.

In the strict implementation of the Either Functor, the Error and Success Functors are often called Left and Right respectively.

Revisiting Functors

Containing containers

              const attachPermissions = permissions => user =>
                permissions ?
                  something(user.setPermissions(permissions)) :

              const attachOrders = orders => user =>
                orders ?
                  something(user.setOrders(orders)) :

                .map(attachPermissions(permissions)) // something(something(user))
                .map(attachOrders(orders))// Error: setOrders is not a function

Monads to the rescue

Much like the Functor, the Monad has a utility method for applying an operator function to its wrapped value

But unlike the Functors map() utility, it does not wrap the output value in a new monad

Because it expects the value to be already wrapped in a monad

This utility function has many names: bind(), chain() and flatMap()

Monads to the rescue

Unboxing a box

              const something = (value) => ({
                map: fn => something(fn(value)),
                flatMap: fn => fn(value)

              const nothing = () => ({
                map: nothing,
                flatMap: nothing

Monads to the rescue

Unboxing a box

              const success = (value) => ({
                map: fn => something(fn(value)),
                flatMap: fn => fn(value)
                catch: nothing

              const error = (e) => ({
                map: () => error(e),
                flatMap: () => error(e),
                catch: fn => something(fn(e))

Monads to the rescue

Unboxing a box

              const attachPermissions = permissions => user =>
                permissions ?
                  something(user.setPermissions(permissions)) :

              const attachOrders = orders => user =>
                orders ?
                  something(user.setOrders(orders)) :

                .flatMap(attachPermissions(permissions))// something(user)
                .flatMap(attachOrders(orders))// something(user)

You are using monads already

Let's create a fictional monad that wraps a future value

              const future = futureValue => ({
                map: fn => future(fn(futureValue)),
                flatMap: fn => fn(futureValue)

That can be used like this:


You are using monads already

But map() and flatMap() are not very meaningful when dealing with future values

What if we "merged" and renamed them?

              const future = futureValue => ({
                then: fn => {
                  const nextFutureValue = fn(futureValue);
                  const isFutureMonad = (
                    nextFurureValue &&
                    typeof nextFutureValue.then === 'function'

                  return isFutureMonad ?
                    nextFutureValue :

You are using monads already

Now it reads a lot better:


You are using monads already

Feeling a déjà vu?


Yes! Promise is a Monad!

Feel betrayed?

Gif about a betrayed cat

Imperative vs Declarative

What this code is doing?

                const words = [
                    'The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox,', 'jumps', 'over', 
                    'the', 'lazy', 'dog.', '- It', 'was', 'a', 'german', 
                let result = false;

                for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
                    words[i] = words[i].replace(/[ -_:;.,!\?]/g, '');
                    if (words[i].length >= 3 && words[i].length <= 6) {
                        words[i] = words[i].toUpperCase()

                        if (words[i] === 'GOD') {
                            result = true;

                if (result) console.log('Found GOD...');

                if (words[0] !== 'The') console.log('...and the devil');

And this one?

              const words = [
                  'The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox,', 'jumps', 'over', 
                  'the', 'lazy', 'dog.', '- It', 'was', 'a', 'german', 
              const removeInvalidChars = word => word.replace(/[ -_:;.,!\?]/g, '');
              const enoughChars = word => word.length >= 3;
              const canContainGod = word => word.length >= 3 && word.length <= 6;
              const toUpperCase = word => word.toUpperCase();
              const reverseStr = word => word.split('').reverse().join('');
              const toBibleCode = compose(reverseStr, toUpperCase);
              const isGod = word => word === 'GOD';
              const logIf = (condition, str) = condition && console.log(str);

              const result = words

              logIf(result === true, 'Found GOD...');

              logIf(words[0] !== 'The', '...and the devil');


(Almost) the same thing

Challenge: Can you spot a difference between both outputs?

Developer Evolution

What to FP?


JS FP libs




I'm out

I'm out!